Day 21 – How to deal with loss and goodbyes

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By Eilat Aviram

How to deal with loss and goodbyes

This final session of our journey explores deeply the concepts of ending and loss and grief.

You will gain new ways of looking at these and finding strengths within yourself to deal with them in a way that leaves love intact and gives you hope to go on.

(Please note that all the videos are the exact recording of a 21-day journey that was streamed live on Facebook. As a result, while the sound is consistently clear and loud, sometimes the quality of visual is not great. It comes and goes. I’m sorry about that. Some of the videos have no visual blurring and others do. Some people find it distracting and others actually find it strangely useful.)

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Transcript Download

On the left is a button to the audio of the video that you can download to your device to listen to like a podcast.

On the right is a button to download the transcript of the video so if you prefer to read or you like to take notes, you have them at hand.

If you have any questions, arising from the material, please ask it in the private If I Loved Myself Facebook group

I pop into the group weekly to answer questions. Join this community where you can give and receive support with other people who are also on this journey.

If you have technical questions, or want to book sessions, a workshop, interview or a speaking gig with Eilat please contact

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