Loving yourself in your decisions is like having a super power
When you know how to love yourself in your choices, then even as you care for your children, your patients, your partner, the world...
your life feels good to YOU.
Activate this magic now and sign up for
the FREE
I Love Myself Letter.
Loving yourself
in your decisions is like having a super power
When you know how to love yourself in your choices, then even as you care for your children, your patients, your partner, the world... your life feels good to YOU.
Activate this magic now and sign up for the FREE I Love Myself Letter.

In the centre of each decision you make, there is a sacred moment in which you either turn towards yourself and your inner Truth, or you turn away from it.
The direction you turn in that moment determines whether your choice will make you feel joyful and at peace, or frustrated, scared or ashamed.
Eilat Aviram - Psychologist and best-selling author

Hi, I'm Eilat Aviram.
(It's pronounced, Ay-Lutt Ah-vee-rahm)
I'm a Daring-Decisions Teacher.
I teach a simple, powerful method to help you
dare to love yourself in your moments of decision.
What I've learned over my 28 years as a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, best-selling author, speaker and energy-healing teacher, is that there is ONE thing people do, which causes almost all of the problems in our lives.
It's so strange that we do it because we each know deep within ourselves what feels right for us and yet we constantly override that knowing and choose to do stuff we don't really want.
Then we end up depressed, anxious, unhappy in our jobs and relationships, distressed in our parenting, addicted to various things...
You know that moment when you're standing in front of the open fridge...
Or that person does that thing again and you want to speak up...
Or someone asks you to do something you really don't want to do...
You need to make a decision and you know what you'd prefer to choose, but then you get scared of the implications, or you rationalize and think, "I can't do THAT!" and so you totally freeze, or you land up doing something you don't really want. And then things go badly, or life feels hard and joyless, you feel anxious, have less energy, you become ill... and you don't know why.
Over the years, I've learned that when someone comes to me for help with their unhappy situation, my task is to help you look back over your life and see where you overrode your Truth and how you can start to live according to your own inner knowing now.
When you start doing that, it changes EVERYTHING you want to change.
Then you can start actually enjoying your life!

What people say about working with Eilat
Marchane Janke
Clinical Social Worker
"I mean, if you are in my life and I haven’t already got you to buy her book, are you really my friend!?
Working with Eilat in everything she puts out there is absolutely and amazingly worth it!
With her attention to detail, gentleness and holding space for each person she encounters, I had the ability to focus inwards and really get uncomfortable with my vulnerabilities and people-pleasing. Being a clinical social worker by profession, this course encouraged me to use the tools as I work, but also to pay it forward and share it with my clients.”
Matthew Khalil
Scriptwriting Teacher and Author
"Working with Eilat and using her Love question has changed the way I am in the world.
I am more in the present and making healthier choices.
From big choices about how I spend my time to small choices like moving a dirty teacup to the kitchen! The power of this process is that it cuts through all the over analysis and over thinking that can happen in a thereputic process and exposes the heart of my inner voice so that it can guide me through my day. In short I am so much happier, content and at ease with myself and the world. It came at just the right time in my life and felt like the cherry on the top of the cake that is the new, healthier, happier and more content me."
Tanya Van Niekerk
"I would highly recommend therapy, coaching or any other type of sessions or workshops offered by Eilat. It was one of the best investments I have made for myself.
These learnings have changed me in surprising and remarkable ways. While I sometimes forget to ask myself the question: “If I am kind to myself, what would I do now?”, I am increasingly spontaneously reacting as if I consciously thought about it.
I am kinder to myself, and I love myself for it.
Eilat has a fun sense of humour and a caring spirit. She provides a safe, attentive and compassionate environment to reflect, learn and grow. ”
Lorraine Berthoud
Emotional Logic Coach and Trainer.
"Eilat has a beautiful empathic and caring presence. Her disarmingly simple love question is a powerful way to make respectful decisions from the inside.
Her simplicity and accessibility allow for trust to build rapidly, which then allows for efficient challenges and strong/deep/real work.
I've done the 21-Days Journey, and I really enjoyed the way Eilat came both prepared and open to what would come up. There was a lot of very valuable content in it.
The 3-Session Laser Process I did with her was live and a great opportunity to focus on and address a specific issue. It gave me the final "kick" I needed to make a tough decision.
I've loved the live course with Eilat."
What is the I Love Myself Letter?
Four Ways You Can Learn to Love Yourself Right Now
How to Love Yourself in
Your Decisions:
Real tools for practitioners
Accredited for more than a year's CPD points.
A massively life-changing self-love journey for medical practitioners, psychologists, coaches, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, counsellors, natural and alternative medicine practitioners.
In this professional training, you will gain a deeper understanding of what it actually means to love yourself and how to make good decisions in your life and in your clinical practice.
Empower Yourself
A short, powerful workshop to help you know EXACTLY how to love yourself in any moment or situation.
Eilat takes you step by step through understanding what self-love really is and which of your unique needs are driving your unwanted feelings and behaviours, so that you can choose differently in future.
These three hours could be the start of a new life and relationship with yourself.
You Have Permission to Exist
This book answers one of the greatest dilemmas we have in life, “How can I look after myself while I’m with others?”
In this book you’ll learn what it actually means to love yourself and how on earth to do it without damaging your relationships and losing what you love.
“I think this might be the most important book I’ve ever read.” Susan Haydn, writer and blogger
And you wish someone could just help you find the strength and the courage and give you the tools to be able to make the choice you really want?
Because you know that you're not loving yourself in your choices, and that it's causing your depression, anxiety, food issues, addiction, health problems…
Help is here! This technique is so simple, you'll already be practicing it after Chapter 1.
Available as audiobook, paperback and ebook
You are here to live as yourself.
That is your life's purpose.
Eilat Aviram - Psychologist and best-selling author
This method offers a single, easy-to-use process that is so effective it could solve all your problems.
That's because its a five-step process that takes mere seconds to connect you to your own heart’s Truth and wisdom. At the core of it is this question:
It works so well because you're the one who knows everything about your life, your problems and your dreams, so when you ask your own Truth for guidance on what to do next, the answers come from an unsurpassed expert – you.
For over 10 years I've watched this process transform people’s lives for the better.
Are you ready to follow your Truth to the life of your dreams?
It's so much simpler to do than you may think.
Loving yourself is the LEAST selfish thing you can do!
Eilat Aviram - Psychologist and best-selling author
If You Always Put Other People's Needs Ahead Of Your Own...
You could be setting yourself up for depression, anxiety,
food issues, addiction, unhealthy boundaries, health problems...
because you're not loving yourself in your choices.
And that doesn't help anyone!
Find out how not to do this.
What People Are Saying About The Book
Susan Hayden
"I love this book more than I have words for. It is so important and so beautifully articulated, and I am SO thrilled someone in the world has said these things out loud so that other people in the world (like me) can heal themselves."
Nas Sydow
Founder of Forever Playful
Eilat’s “if I Loved Myself” is not just a book that you will read once and leave on your book shelf along with all your other self-help titles. It is a tool that you will come to use and refer to over and over.
It takes you on a transformation towards your truth and authenticity. As you make your way through the book, it will feel as if your own personal therapist or life coach is walking alongside you, anticipating each step of this new practice. The words flow from the page with a sincerity and understanding of the challenges we face as we start asking the question “if I loved myself, what would I choose to do now”. We’re guided through these challenges with incremental steps that build on each other whilst maintaining the singular focus of TRUTH. This process allows for confidence to be built gradually, rather than asking the reader to take a big fearful step into the scary unknown. Eilat transfers her years of knowledge and wisdom over to the reader in bite size chapters with links to meditations, summaries and exercises to cement this new learning. If you are ready to meet your most authentic self, this book will indeed be your ultimate guide.
Self-Loving Decisions Darer
"I’m using this tool all day. Last night when I was tempted to have a second plate of food even though I was full, it was ‘If you loved yourself, what would you choose right now?’
And then it helped me from feeling terribly guilty about not attending a school meeting because I was utterly exhausted. What I would choose if I loved myself was to stay at home with my family and eat a plate of nourishing food and be still. So that’s what I did. I had to remind myself a few times before the discomfort went away but it really, really worked :-))
Adaya Rohloff
Physiotherapist and Healer
"Eilat, the way you write wreathes the reader in love. What I mean is this is not just a theoretical instruction about love, but actually an experience of the thing. And I love your personal sharing. We readers love to get personal with the writer”.