You will be OK.

By Eilat Aviram

Do you wish someone could just say to you,

“Hey honey, don’t worry about all this crazy that’s going on right now.

Don’t be afraid of the changes and crises that seem to be appearing everywhere. It’s all going to be ok.

You are safe, you are fine and it’s going to turn out to be good.”

We all need to hear this. Please read it again now and say it aloud to yourself right now.

You know that moment when you feel scared and you sort of check out of your body?

A lot of us are living like that right now because of all that’s going on. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Watch this 1-minute clip to remind yourself to come back into your body, and that everything is going to be ok.

Play it on repeat today and any time you need to hear this.

And please share this with anyone who may need it right now!

The clip is from the ‘How To Manage Fear’ session in the ’21 Days to Stop Being Scared of the Unknown’ journey.

Just so you know, I’m working steadily on putting together the free training on decision-making for you.
It’s taking me to all sorts of new realisations, challenges and joys.
I can’t WAIT to share it with you when it’s ready!

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Eilat Aviram is a Daring-Decisions Teacher.

She's worked with people for 25 years as a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, best-selling author, speaker and energy-healing teacher and she is passionate about helping people dare to love themselves in their moments of decision and find the courage to live their truth.

Eilat Aviram