She managed to leave her abusive marriage

By Eilat Aviram

I’d like you to meet Valery Molone. She has an extraordinary story.

She was forced into marriage at a very young age, sent from her family in Afghanistan to America at age 13 where she found herself in a violent marriage in a foreign country with no English and two young children.

She knew she had to get herself and her children to safety.

So she started to listen to her inner Truth…

And she took an extremely brave step…

and then another one…

and another…

She did what very few women in her situation manage to do and followed her truth out of the situation.

She now empowers women to learn to love themselves and be happy in their lives.

She talks about what it took for her to leave that dangerous situation in our conversation about listening to your truth versus pleasing others on her wonderful podcast “Real Talk with Coach Valery Molone”.

Check it out here. She’s so inspiring!

Free on Apple iTunes HERE              Free on Soundcloud HERE

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Eilat Aviram is a Daring-Decisions Teacher.

She's worked with people for 25 years as a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, best-selling author, speaker and energy-healing teacher and she is passionate about helping people dare to love themselves in their moments of decision and find the courage to live their truth.

Eilat Aviram