Book Launch Team Page for Eilat's new book:

You Have Permission To Exist

So this is the title of my new book and I can't wait to share it with you! I sense it will be life-changing for many people. 

A book is created in various stages and we could say the pregnancy is now full-term and it's time to prepare for this book to come out into the world. But I don't want to give birth to it alone. This book is for you and I want you with me, cheering me on and giving your input in these last stages so that when it comes out, you too can smile proudly at it and know you played a role in its emergence.

Will you join my Book Launch Team and do this with me?

You don't need any special skills to be part of my team. Just bring your own beautiful self. 

What does it entail? 

There are a number of things a book needs to become successful, besides good content. 

  • A good cover
  • An alluring back cover blurb
  • Reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, other book-sites, etc
  • People raving about it and spreading the word

I would love your help with all of these and you can be as involved as you choose to be. To sign up as part of my team just fill in your name and email below. You can opt out at any time.

The first thing we need is reviews - because these are needed immediately as the book launches and you need time to read two or three chapters so you can write your review. 

The only people who have seen these chapters up till now are me, my editor and students of my course who have received sections in their course notes. You will be the first to read these!

How reviews will work

You can choose your own chapters to read!

Choose the two chapters you want to read and I will email you the first chapter plus those two. Your task is to read some or all of them and then write / video / collage what you thought of it and what you would say to someone who is considering buying the book. Then email your review to me. 

Fill in your email address and the chapters you want below.

(If you don't want to review, and you just want to be part of the team to be updated about the book's progress and help choose a cover etc. then fill in your email and name without choosing chapters.)

Please Select A Chapter
  •  Chapter 2: Here’s why you don’t listen to yourself 
  •  Chapter 3: So, how exactly do you love yourself?
  •  Chapter 4: Your needs and feelings—they’re awesome!
  •  Chapter 5: A surprising thing about your choices
  •  Chapter 6: ALLOW YOU: The five-step decision-making method that will change your life
  •  Chapter 9: If I loved myself in my thoughts 
  •  Chapter 11: If I loved myself with healthy boundaries
  •  Chapter 12: If I loved myself in relationships
  •  Chapter 13: If I loved myself in intimacy and trust
  •  Chapter 14: If I loved myself by saying no
  •  Chapter 15: If I loved myself as I am
Please Select A Chapter
  •  Chapter 2: Here’s why you don’t listen to yourself 
  •  Chapter 3: So, how exactly do you love yourself?
  •  Chapter 4: Your needs and feelings—they’re awesome!
  •  Chapter 5: A surprising thing about your choices
  •  Chapter 6: ALLOW YOU: The five-step decision-making method that will change your life
  •  Chapter 9: If I loved myself in my thoughts 
  •  Chapter 11: If I loved myself with healthy boundaries
  •  Chapter 12: If I loved myself in relationships
  •  Chapter 13: If I loved myself in intimacy and trust
  •  Chapter 14: If I loved myself by saying no
  •  Chapter 15: If I loved myself as I am
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